located at the tailbone, base of spine
Root Chakra ,Muladhara , Kundalini

governs vigor, heredity , security ,passion ,feet legs and trust. your relationship with money, home, and job. primal feelings,  energy,: will to live    physical existence, our bodies and our health.
vortex or petals 4

Key Word: survival
color:       red, black

element, earth

Number 1.

sense  smell

Glands & Organs: Male reproduction organ, spine, blood, bladder, testes, vagina
note c mantra lam or e as in red
Gemstones  Garnet, smoky quartz, black tourmaline ,hematite , red  Stones - Ruby,  Bloodstone, Black Onyx, Smokey Quartz.jasper, obsidian
Element - Earth Energy.  mineral kingdom
Essential Oils - Clary Sage, Rosemary, Cedar wood, Clove  Frankincense, rosewood,
Bach Flower Essences - Cerato, Scleranthus, Gentian, Gorse, Hornbeam and Wild Oat.
Aura - Soma - 5 Yellow/Red.

angel  Auriel 

Sound - African,Cuban.
Shape - Cube.
Soul Lesson - Service.

Healthy Characteristics: grounded, centered, belonging, pride, fully alive, able to trust, independent, determined, trusts in self and others, secure, patient, constant, ambitious, passion, commitment, survival.

Too much energy: greedy, egotistic Egotistical, domineering, bossy, addicted to wealth, greedy, highly strung, hyperactive, addicted to self, violent, dishonest, cunning.

Too little energy: can't reach goals, lack of confidence, feel unloved, not grounded

Deficient Energy - Lacks confidence, feels unloved, suicidal, weak willed, feels sexually inadequate, fearful, frustrated, alienated, separate.

treatments  with color

place the appropriate gemstone or colored cloth over the chakra or gaze at, visualize  or meditate  on the associated color  sit in or look at light of the color

Use Red for - Depression, lack of energy, ungrounded, low blood pressure, bladder infections, shock, poor circulation, cold , impotence, back pain, legs and feet.

 Overactive use green to counter act
symptoms: Physically aggressive, belligerent, impulsive, inability to  recognize limits, hyperactive, reckless.
Place a piece of green material or  scarf or crystal aventurine or jade.  on chakra  and/ or gaze at  or visualize green

Underactive use red
symptoms: Manipulative, overly cautious, power conscious, possessive, needing   approval, craving excitement, overly tired, no energy.

the chakra                       next sacral chakra           

these pages maintained by the   Heretic sanctuary and healing center In Los Angeles County