Sacral Chakra, Svadistana

color orange,brown

Located at  abdomen female sex organs or near belly button

vortex or petals 6
Keyword sensation

governs sexuality,creativity, emotions, anger, fear instinct to
nurture,spleen, perceptions concerning food or sex. feelings, creative energy, women's power  creative ability, female identity physical health, Sex

Glands & Organs: kidneys, skin, female reproductive organs

element water

plant kingdom

sense taste

Number 2.

Angel Gabriel 
note d mantra vam or o as in home
Essential oil ; rose, Jasmine, Bergamot, Cardomon, Orange Blossom, Sandalwood,
gemstones Carnelian, Tiger eye,    orange calcite  
coral, orange  jasper, fire opal ,fire agate

Bach Flower Essences - Agrimony, Centaury, Walnut, Holly, Larch, Pine, Elm, Sweet Chestnut, Star of Bethlehem, Willow, Oak
Aura - Soma - 26 Orange/Orange.
Sound - Latin American, Brazilian.
Shape - Pyramid.
Soul Lesson - Peace and Wisdom.

Characteristics: friendly, creative,healthy
Too much energy: self-serving, overly ambitious
Too little energy: frigid, distrustful, shy, overly sensitive                                 

Physical - Kidneys, Adrenals, flow of body fluids.
Balanced Energy - Shows concern for others, friendly, creative, intuitive,
good humoured, balanced, desire for pleasure, vitality, sexual satisfaction,
decrimination and prosperity.
Excessive Energy - Explosive, aggressive, manipulative, self serving.
Deficient Energy - Shy, timid, hides emotions, overly sensitive, emotionally
hurt, guilt feelings.
Use Orange for - Kidney problems, constipation, muscular cramps and spasms,
lack of energy, insufficient lactation, skin problems, allergies, repression
and inhibition.

> Spleen, sacral chakra - Orange
> Overactive
> Selfish, arrogant, lustful,overly proud or conceited, highly strung
> emotionally,
> constant power-seeking,
> Use blue scarf or blue lace agate crystal or blue jasper.
> Underactive
> Mistrustful of others, introverted, unable to show emotions, worrying
> about what others think, anti-social.
> Use orange scarf or carnelian or tiger eye crystal.