By Lloyd J. Thomas, Ph.D.

The French philosopher, Teilhard DeChardin, once wrote: "We are
not physical beings having a spiritual experience.  Rather we are
spiritual beings having a physical experience."  If you define
"spirituality" as any experience that is not available to our five
senses, then the majority of our life experiences are spiritual.
Concepts like peace, joy, love, truth, beauty, connection,
surrender, bliss and fulfillment are all spiritual in nature.  Indeed,
life itself is a spiritual experience.

Spirituality may have nothing to do with "religion" or
"religiosity."  It is not the same as "morality" or the "right
way" to  live.  It rarely has anything to do with "doctrines" or

Spirituality can be described, however.  Some aspects of
spirituality may include: an expanded self-awareness, particularly
of your true nature; the experience of joy, inner peace and love; and
the realization of your essential unity with all of the

The evolutionary growth of your spirit follows some known principles.
It usually begins with an "awakening" to the awareness that there is
more to being alive than we can ever know.  This awakening can be
sudden or gradual.  It can be a sudden flash of insight ("a light bulb
moment") or a slow "dawning" of what being alive really means.

This awakening of consciousness leads to an intense desire to know
more.  This desire is often referred to as "spiritual hunger."  We
long for more.  More experiences.  More awareness.  More
knowledge.  More of spiritual unity.

Then we usually let go of all previously held ideas, habits and
behaviors.  We lose our old "self."  We let go of Mind and Ego.
This loss evolves into a sense of emptiness and is often called "the
dark night of the soul."  From that darkness emerges a new awareness,
a new identity, a new sense of self that feels more "real" than the one
we lost.  People often refer to this as a spiritual "rebirth."

Following the experience of being reborn, we then integrate our
new self into a new lifestyle or "new way of being in the world."  We
 reach "spiritual maturity" when the search for knowledge is replaced
with living from the center of our being; when we no longer seek the
truth, rather we live in it; when we always love rather than fear;
when we realize our essential unity with the Universe, or
Universal Intelligence, or Life Force, or God (whatever you prefer).

You can identify spiritually mature persons by some of the
following qualities.  They function on the principles of love, rather
the habits of fearful defense.  They respond from within themselves,
rather than react to the people and events that are outside their skin.
They live as they consciously choose, usually very simply.  They are
graceful in their responses to others.  They  experience "bliss" on a
regular basis, not just when meditating or praying.  They maintain
internal equanimity and calm.  They are often delightfully humorous.
They are non-hostile.  They relate to others in healthy and beneficial
ways.  They reflect their true nature in all they do.  They are
quick to learn, open to new experiences and eager to make themselves,
others and the world more loving and peaceful.

The benefits of developing your spiritual life can include:
getting long with others much better; contributing positively to all your
relationships; bringing your healthiest and best to your service;
acknowledging the true nature of others as the same as yours;
experiencing more belonging, vitality, joy, inner peace, and love
within your experience of being alive.  Are not such benefits
worth the risk of growing spiritually?  Perhaps your own spiritual
growth is the primary purpose for your being alive in the first place.

Lloyd J. Thomas, Ph.D. has 30+ years experience as a Life Coach
and Licensed Psychologist.  He is available for coaching in any area
 presented in "Practical Psychology."  As your Coach, his only
agenda is to assist you in creating the lifestyle you genuinely desire.
The initial coaching session is free.  Contact him: (970) 568-0173 or
E-mail: or

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