Palm Chakras
I also want to mention the chakras in the palms of the hands, often
(incorrectly IMHO) relegated to minor status. These chakras transmit healing
energy and receive energetic information fron the universe. The palm chakras
are used to channel healing energies to yourself and others and to receive
impressions of the energy of a room, person, situation, etc. These minor
chakras make a major difference in the quality of life when they can be
opened by intention. practice in becoming aware of the energy of the palm
chakras is a good place to start if you are at all interested in energy work
and spiritual healing. or in any of the psychic arts.
healing chakras may also activate in the fingertips.

Tranpersonal chakras
The most important of the emerging transpersonal chakras are the

thymus or
etheric heart in the upper chest which governs compassion and inner peace
and the connection to world soul.Eighth Chakra, (Not always recognised). Thymus Chakra.
Colour - Turquoise.
Number 8.
Gem stones - Turquise, crysophase.
Element - Water energy.
Physical - Thymus.
Balanced Energy - Well-adjusted, capable of interacting socially.
Excessive Energy - Destructive , impure thoughts.
Deficient Energy - Negative thoughts, unable to move through own boundaries
and limitations. 
Use Turquoise for cleansing, purifying and balancing.

The Soulstar about a foot above the head which brings in spiritual energy
from the spiritual core
Location: one and one-half inches above head
Color: silver or ultraviolet
Source of: past knowledge, karmic memory
Seat of: time & timelessness, karma, portals in and through this
time/space continuum
soul chakra
Location: approx. arm's length above head
Color: gold or infrared
Source of: creation & change energy, master plans
Seat of: soul genes and templates, personal archetypes
and symbols

and the Earthstar about a foot below our feet that brings in and connects us
to the Earth energies it is important to develop the Soulstar and Earthstar
simultaniously. grounding chakra
Location: one and a half to four feet under the feet
Color: earth tones (citrine, brown, mauve, russet,
Source of: daily life energy, cleansing energy
Seat of: everyday life energy and information

my experience has been that most people have more spiritualy evolved
when they leave to travel from the heart, brow or crown  rather than from
the Solar Plexis
other Chakra you might become aware of  include the Soul star above the head
about a foot
the etheric heart  or thymus chakra  between the throat and heart
the Hara uselly about two finger widths below the navel
and the Earth star about a foot or so beneath your feet
these are at a deeper or Higher frequency than the more well known chakra
and bring in connections with divine or cosmic love and bliss etc
other  chakra  are at the knees and  ankles
You also have chakra at the bottom of your feet and in the palms of your
that are vital for sending and receiving information and Healing energies

Eleventh chakra
Location: around hands and feet
Color: pink
Source of: energy transference
Seat of: transmutation for physical energy

and the hara or tan tien

The most important change happening at this time is the unification of the
chakra functions all the chakras are beginning to work together much more
than in the past.