Heart Chakra Anahatha
located at heart center of chest
color green , pink element air human kingdom sense touch
note f# mantra yam or a as in ah
vortex 12 oil jasmine, rose
gemstones Aventurine, emerald , rose quartz,

4.  Raphael  
governs love, compassion, mediates between higher and lower planes of being
healing, lungs breath prana, sense of time ,and the area of relationships in
your life.
Fourth chakra
Location: heart
Color: green, pink, gold
Source of: healing energy, innermost desires, dreams
Seat of: compassion, relationships
The fourth chakra (the middle chakra in the chain of seven) is the heart
chakra and is associated with the color green, and also the color rose,
which is the "color of love." This chakra is connected with emotion and
human love.
The Fourth Chakra or Heart Charka (love)
Color: Pink/ lime green
Element: Air
Stone / Crystal: Adventuring, Rose Quartz, Turquoise, Green Jade
Characteristics: Compassion, see beauty in everyone & thing, in touch with
Too much energy: overly critical, demanding, possessive, manic - depressive
Too little energy: pity self, afraid of letting go & getting hurt
Glands & Organs: heart, lungs, immune system, thymus gland, lymph gland
Also known as the heart chakra and is located in the center
 of the chest at approximately the level of the heart muscle
 between the ribs on the
 sternum. It's color is green. This energy center influences
 the thymus gland of our immune system, circulatory system,
 tisue regeneration, and
 right brain function. It is the center of our higher love,
 healing, and understanding, and compassion. It is the
 gatekeeper to the higher chakras
 and must be uinblocked for us to grow spiritually. It is the
 crossraod of transformation and balance. It stands midway
 between the physical  and spiritual life. Both forms of energy are
processed here.
 If the spritual energy coming from the upper 3 chakras is
 blocked, this will deny  the lower 3 the vital energy required for
preparing our
 physical body for its spiritual growth.
 Imbalances cause:
attitude of coldness , devoid of compassion and morality, asthma
, financial and emotional insecurities, jealousy and possesiveness
,mistrustfulness of life , self-doubt , blaming others,

Fourth Chakra, Heart Chakra.
Colour - Green and Pink.
Number 4.
Gem Stones - Jade, Malachite, Emerald, Peridot, Aventurine, Rose Quartz
Element - Air/Earth energy relating to unconditional love.
Essential Oils - Basil, Eucalyptus, Fennel, Geranium, Peppermint.
Bach Flower Essences - Water Violet, Impatiens, Heather, Chicory, Vervain,
Vine, Beech, Rock Water.
Aura - Soma - 3 Blue/Green.
Sound - Peaceful and harmonic.
Sense - Feeling and touch.
Shape - Heart.
Soul Lesson - Brotherhood and love.
Physical - Heart, lungs and blood pressure.
Balanced Energy - Compassionate, humanitarian, can see the good in others,
balanced, desire to nurture others, in touch with own feelings and others,
empathy, healing, individual, adaptable, generous, pure, gentle and innocent.
Excessive Energy - Demanding, overly critical, manic depressive, uses money
to control others, moody, avaricious, selfish, resentful, callous, malicious.
Deficient Energy - Self-pitying paranoia, indecisive, need to reassurance.
Use Green for - Heart and lung problems, high blood pressure, negativity,
fatigue, breathing difficulties, tension, insomnia, anger, paranoia, immune
system, soothing the spirit and nerves, loneliness, harmony and balance,
emotional stability, calming fear of death.

Heart Chakra - green
> Overactive
> Angry, jealous, blaming others, miserly and stingy, overconfident,
> allowing oneself to be walked on and taken advantage of.
> Use green but followed by pink or soft red scarf or adventurine and rose
> quartz crystals.
> Underactive
> Needing constant confirmation of self worth, uncertain, unable to
> enforce will, possessive, self doubting, feeling unloved.
> Use green scarf or adventurine crystal.
