Throat Chakra Visshuda
located at base of throat
color sky blue element ether angelic realms sense hearing
note g # mantra ham or u as in blue
vortex 16 oil chamomile,frankensence
gemstones turquoise, aquqmarine, chryoscolla, azuite,sodalite
governs speach, hearing ,communication self expression
Fifth chakra
Location: throat
Color: blue
Source of: truth
Seat of: wisdom, responsibility
The fifth chakra is located at the throat and is a bright blue. It governs
communication and personal magnetism. It is the chakra that most influences
intercommunication and our "personas." It is also the link between emotion
and thought.
The Fifth Chakra or Throat Chakra (communication, expression)
Color: Blue
Element: Ether
Crystals / Stone: Clear Quartz, Lapis, Sodalite, Turquoise

Characteristics: a good communicator
Too much energy :talk too much , addictive
Too little energy: timid, inconsistent, can't express self
Glands / Organs: throat, thyroid, nerves, eyes, muscles

Fifth Chakra, Throat Chakra.
Colour - Blue.
Number 5.
Gem stones - Blue lace agate, Blue topaz,  Aquamarine
Element - Ether, Air and Fire energy.
Essential Oils - Lavender, aniseed, blue chamomile, cypress, tea tree.
Aura - Soma - 2 Blue/blue.
Sound - Flute or Woodwind.
Sense - Hearing.
Shape - Inverted Pyramid.
Soul Lesson - Divine Will.
Physical - Thyroid and parathyroid.
Balanced Energy - Contented, centred, good speaker, artistically inspired,
can live in the present, can mediate, has an easy grasp of spiritual
teachings, sincere, truthful, independent.
Excessive Energy - Arrogant, self righteous, talks too much, dogmatic,
Deficient Energy - Scared, timid, quiet, weak, unreliable, devious, cannot
express thoughts, inconsistent, dependent, lack of creative expressions,
suppressed or swallowed feelings.
Use Blue for - Hyperthyroid, sore throat, inflammations, burns, skin
irritations, fever, ear infections, over tiredness, mental exhaustion, gum
inflammations, ulcers, digestive disorders, nervousness, colic, back pain,
haemorroids, high blood pressure, hyperactive or violent behaviour.
> Throat Chakra - Blue
> Overactive
> Domineering, dogmatic, fanatical, over-reacting, speaks negatively/harshly,
> clings to tradition, hyperactive.
> Use orange scarf and a short period of blue, carnelian and crystal blue lace
> agate, blue jasper.
> Underactive
> Surrenders to others, resists change, melancholy, slow to respond, stubborn.
> Use orange scarf and crystal carnelian.